Get Involved, Get Physical

For all our movers and shakers - this is for you!

Do you love challenging yourself? Are you a runner? Swimmer? Cyclist? Professional Handstand champion?

Whatever your physical passion, challenge yourself to go harder, run further, sweat more and turn your favourite physical activity into an opportunity for fundraising!

2024 major events

Perhaps doing your own physical challenge is not your thing. We have three major events running throughout 2024 that is available for you to all get involved in. 


Signed up to one of our physical challenges


Raised for children with cancer

Don't have your own fitness passion but want to get in involved in something physical?

Join One of Redkite's Organised Events!

  • Run for Redkite in your states Fun Runs & Marathons
  • Get involved in our Crunch4kids with cancer challenge to show kids with cancer you're on their team
  • Or want to do something more daring? Talk to our team about our major physical challenges! 
  • Get involved in our Walking Challenge and walk 100kms in June to support families facing childhood cancer

Push Yourself to the Limits

Redkite can help you develop your individual or team challenge, we can support you to run, swim, cycle, step, bounce or swing your way to success! 

Chat to our fundraising team today about your idea and how to hit the ground running.

Redkite Fun Runs around the country

Want to take part in a fun run? Or perhaps get involved in a marathon? Check out what fun runs you can get training for and raise money for families facing childhood cancer

Run Melbourne - victoria
Sunday 21st July 2024

Bridge to Brisbane - Queensland
Sunday 8th September 2024

Sydney Marathon - new south wales
Sunday 15th September 2024

city2Surf - Sydney
sunday 11th august 2024

Rocky River run - Queensland
sunday 19th may 2024

gold coast marathon - Queensland
saturday 6th July - Sunday 7th July 2024

Stadium Stomp SCG - Sydney
sunday 2nd June 2024

Lumary City - Bay Fun Run - South Australia
sunday 15th September 2024

Organise a challenge day

Do you love to play basketball? Lawn bowls? Golf or tennis?

Turn your favourite sporting outting into a tournament or day long activity! Charge for entry, sell food or drinks and let friendly competition be your fundraising mechanism!