Frequently Asked

Fundraising tips and tricks

At Redkite we believe in putting the fun into fundraising!

And to make planning and running your fundraiser even easier, we have a wide range of resources, years of expertise and plenty of fundraising ideas you can use to help make your event the best it can be!

What do I need to consider before getting started?

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Whether you're a fundraising superstar or a first timer, there are some things to think about before starting your fundraising event. Here are some of the main considerations before getting stuck in!

1. Do you have an idea?

The best fundraisers are the ones that you are passionate about - some people like to shave their heads or beards, some love to run and others are baking wizards! Choose something that speaks to you, and if you're not quite sure what you'd like to do, we can help! Look at our "Ways to Get Involved" for inspiration or contact our fundraising team at or 1800 733 548

2. Do you need help?

Depending on the size and style of the fundraiser you'd like to do, it's important to think about if you're going to need help or not. Getting a team of friends or family to support you is a great way to boost your fundraising event success!

3. Set your goals

It's important to think about what you want to achieve with your fundraiser. How much do you want to raise? Is it a single or multi day event? Setting ambitious yet attainable goals will help when you're planning out your fundraising event - you'll be amazed at what you can achieve!

4. Register to fundraise for Redkite

Once you've got your idea, your crew and set your goals, it's time to hit the ground running! You can create your fundraising page by clicking the Register button at the top of the page & fill out your fundraising application using this form here

Are there any guidelines for fundraising that I should know about?

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Yes, there are rules in each state that will need to be considered if you are thinking about holding an event or raffle to support your fundraising efforts. Your Redkite fundraising coordinator will help you with any enquiries you may have, contact us at or 1800 733 548

What do I do once I've registered my fundraiser?

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Congratulations! You completed the first steps in creating your fundraiser to support Redkite - you're a Redkite Hero!

These next steps have proven to help fundraisers make the most out of their event

1. Log into your account & customise your page

Do you know what gets people the most excited about supporting a cause? Passionate people with stories and something to say!

Logging into your account and customising your profile is your chance to tell everyone WHY you want to make a difference for children, young people and their families facing childhood cancer. Update your profile picture, post photos & add a blog post so your networks can support your event and learn why it matters to you.

2. Put your money where your mouth is

Showing your networks that you're dedicated to your event by self-donating is a great way to kick things off! It's a great way to show your trust and belief in the difference your fundraising is going to make.

3. Promote, Promote, Promote!

You've customised your page, you've donated to yourself, now it's time to share! Sending your story & fundraising page to your friends, family and colleagues is not only a great way to let people know about what you plan to do, but is a great way to kick off collecting donations! Ask for sponsorship, donations or if they can't donate, to help spread the word by sharing your page for you!

4. Organise your logistics

Does your event need a venue space? Will you need a wet weather plan, council permit or catering? It's time to get into the nitty gritty and figure out what your event logistics will look like. Not sure what you might need? Our community fundraising team can help you think through your event - contact us at or 1800 733 548

5. Donating the funds

If you're fundraising online, all your donations will automatically be sent to Redkite. If you're hosting an offline event, or collecting cash donations, reach out to the team so we can assist with receipting and depositing the funds that will help kids facing childhood cancer.

Food for Thought

Sharing your fundraising page on social media, email and text are some of the best and fastest ways to promote your event.

Word travels fast! The more people you talk to about your event the more the news can travel - you never know who might end up supporting you

Local community news is a great way to share news about your event - you can contact your local TV or radio stations and see if they're interested in your story. Redkite can also help with these kind of PR requests.

Add your fundraising page URL to all your digital platforms! On your social media, email signatures (both work & personal). You can also visit our Downloadable resources page to find posters, newsletters and more to help with promoting your event!

How do I register to raise funds for Redkite?

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It’s easy! You can register at any time by clicking on the ‘Register Now’ button. Just fill out your details to start creating your personal fundraising page. You’ll receive a confirmation email and a personalised URL that you can share with your friends and family, so you can start helping families facing childhood cancer.

Will I receive a tax-deductible receipt for my donation?

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Yes, donations of $2 and above are tax deductible and people who donate to your fundraising page or event will automatically have a tax-deductible receipt emailed to them. 

I would like to speak to someone about my fundraising

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Our team are always happy to help you with any questions you may have. Please feel free to contact us at or 1800 733 548

I need some help with fundraising ideas, can you help me?

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Absolutely! Redkite has an incredible range of ready-to-go fundraising ideas to help you get started, you can find them on our Get Involved page. We can also help you create a custom event if you've got something specific in mind. 

Please reach out to our community fundraising team directly to see how we can make your ideas a reality at or (02) 9219 4053

Why do I need to register?

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Apart from the support and guidance you will receive by being part of the Redkite team, you will require an Authority to Fundraise that will allow you to legally fundraise on our behalf.

I've finished my fundraising, what happens next?

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You've finished your fundraiser - Congratulations! Thank you so much for supporting children & young people with cancer.

There are a few crucial post event things to tick off you checklist.

1. Thank your supporters

It's great to do this throughout your fundraiser by thanking your supporters as they donate. Letting your supporters know you appreciate their contribution, no matter the size, and thanking them personally is an excellent way to make them feel like they've helped you make a difference. It's easy to thank your supporters through your fundraising dashboard.

2. Bank your funds

If you have run a face-to-face event, you'll need to bank any cash donations made. If you have any questions about banking your donations, please feel free to contact Redkite for assistance - we're more than happy to help!

3. Share your success

Sharing your resultys with your supporters is a great way to wrap up an incredible initiative. You can share the news on your fundraising or event page along with any photos. Let the team at Redkite know if you're comfortable sharing your event success as we may feature you in our newsletter or on social medai - it's incredibly useful in helping to inspire others to action!