Will & Sophie's Wedding Register
Thank you for celebrating our wedding.
We do not expect you to give us a gift. However if you would like to give something, in lieu of gifts we would prefer people to donate to this charity in memory of Will’s nephew Sam.
Redkite is an organisation that assists families in need who
are affected by childhood cancer and have shown my family support in the past.
My Achievements

Updated Profile

Self Donated

Shared Page


Reached fundraising goal

Increased target

Thank you to my Sponsors

Lincoln J

Daniela Acevedo & James Redmayne
Congratulations on your big day Soph and Will. Looking forward to celebrating with you three!

Gus And Bec Mcgilvray
An amazing gesture for your wedding day gifts but a truly worthwhile charity. We are so happy and honoured to be part of your big day. Love Bec and Gus

Helen & Charles Hain
Congratulations on your wedding, so happy to be able to donate to such a personal cause.. With love, Helen & Charles xx

Holly & Matt Chave
Dear Soph & Will, Your special day has finally arrived! We hope you have a fabulous celebration 🍾 with family and friends. What a beautiful gesture for your wedding gift too. Cheers 🥂

Robert Hain
Thrilled for the gorgeous happy couple on your big day and grateful to be able to donate to such a worthy & meaningful cause. Love Rob & Jac ♥️

Emily & Ryan
We are finally here!! Congratulations to you both. Looking forward to celebrating your beautiful family at Shelly Beach. With love from Em and Ryan

Boz & Frances
Congratulations on your wedding - we look forward to a lifetime of memories together xx

Emily And Will
Dear Soph and Will, we are honoured to donate to such a wonderful and thoughtful cause. Looking forward to celebrating your special day soon! All our love, Emily and Will

Megan And Jase Paris

David And Carolyn Roney
A lovely way to have Sam with you on your special day, particularly as you start your own little family. We are looking forward to celebrating your special day with you xxx

Geraldine Biggelaar

Anita Street
Unfortunately we are unable to attend your special day. Wishing you both much love and happiness on the day and forever more Xx

Alex And Andie
Congratulations Soph and Will! Wishing you a very special day and much happiness in the years to come.

Jenny & Ken
Our love xxx

Jenny Williams
Congratulations Sophie & Will, enjoy your Special Day! Will be thinking of you.

Lisa And Rod Tremayne
Looking forward to a great day celebrating your special day Sophie and Will

Lauren And Joshua Anderson
What a lovely tribute as you start your own family. Congratulations guys!

Congratulations to you both, looking forward to helping you celebrate what will be an awesome day. Love Mike and Lex

Rebecca Moses

Angus Mcgilvray
Such a worthwhile cause, good luck…
Congrats on the big day!